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CISPR TR 31:2024

Description of the radio services database

General information

Valid from 25.11.2024
Directives or regulations

Standard history

CISPR TR 31: 2024, which is a Technical Report, covers the rationale behind the database containing the characteristics of radio services. The database is a "living document " in the format of a spreadsheet file in the EMC Zone of the IEC web site: . As new input for the IEC Radio Services Database arrives, this Technical Report provides guidance and support for the systematic collation of data on those radio services which are relevant for determination of CISPR limits according to CISPR TR 16-4-4. All interested parties are invited to contribute with relevant data to the database, e.g., via the National Committees represented in CISPR/H. The objective of the database is to register those characteristics which are relevant for derivation and specification of limits for disturbances from electric and/or electronic equipment, systems and installations. Committees responsible for generic and/or product emission EMC standards use this information together with CISPR TR 16-4-4.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2012. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) A new Clause 3 covers a line of essential definitions of radio parameters, the knowledge of which is necessary to get qualified input data for inclusion of essential requirements in the present radio services database (RSD) maintained by CISPR and IEC.
b) The radio parameters and conditions of use of radio receivers listed in Table 1 of this edition of CISPR TR 31 are provided now with instructive advice in its new Subclauses 5.1 and 5.2, on selection of data for input to the RSD and retrieval of that data for consideration and use with the limits setting model as in CISPR TR 16-4-4 which was missing in the previous edition of CISPR TR 31.
c) Finally, another new informative Annex B informs, to the extent necessary, on the principles of ITU-R on determination of data for the minimum usable field strength (to be inserted in Column (E) of the RSD) and of the associated tolerable disturbance at the antenna of the radio reception system or other self-contained radio receiver (also to be used as input with the limits-setting model in CISPR TR 16-4-4), which concerns only parties who are concerned with designing and projecting of radio-communication/broadcast networks and with coverage planning of related radio services. Knowledge of these fundamental principles also by CISPR experts will ensure that only valid data will get future input to the RSD maintained by CISPR and IEC.

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149.72 € incl tax
Standard monitoring