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CWA 18090:2024

User centric charging infrastructure for electric vehicles — Guidelines for operators to implement advanced smart charging and management strategies

General information

Valid from 15.04.2024
Base Documents
CWA 18090:2024
Directives or regulations

Standard history

This document provides guidance in terms of smart charging, interoperability and payment and accounting processes among the different actors of the electromobility domain (Charging Point Operators-CPO, eMobility Service Providers-eMSP, micro-CPOs and Smart Charging Service Providers-SCSP), to set up a series of homogenous strategies and methodologies that facilitate the implementation of advanced functionalities in the electromobility operator systems.
The provided smart charging strategies will help the operators to optimize their energy-related costs, enabling a better utilization of renewable energy sources and allowing their participation as active actors in the smart grid management, both as participants of implicit strategies and explicit campaigns.
This document also includes the framework to be followed by the operators in the implementation of the smart charging as a service and for the implementation of automation of the economic compensations among all involved actors.

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