IEC TR 61850-90-22:2024, which is a Technical Report, aims to provide analysis, principles, use cases and guidance on how to use GOOSE/SV static-routing or auto-routing based on System Configuration Description (SCD) file to automated manage the substation network while without changing the requirements of IEDs. Furthermore, this document also intends to give novel practices on network and GOOSE/SV path condition monitoring which support visualization and supervision from higher level application side.
Using the concepts developed in the IETF's Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL) using IS-IS protocol that is defined in RFC 6326 and ISO/IEC 10589 standards, this document defines network and system management data object models that are specific to power system operations. These data objects will be used to monitor the health of networks and systems, to detect abnormal behaviours of IEDs which contradict SCD file, such as unexpected IEDs or unexpected GOOSE/SV flows, and to support the management of the performance and reliability of the information infrastructure
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