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IEC TS 62607-8-4:2024

Nanomanufacturing – Key control characteristics – Part 8-4: Metal-oxide interfacial devices – Activation energy of electronic trap states: Low-frequency-noise spectroscopy

General information

Valid from 16.12.2024
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Standard history

IEC 62607-8-4:2024 specifies a measurement protocol to determine the key control characteristic
- activation energy of electronic trap states
for metal-oxide interfacial devices by
- low-frequency-noise spectroscopy
The noise spectra peak temperatures are obtained within a designated temperature range. Activation energies are then calculated based on the frequency dependence of the peak temperatures to analyse the energy levels associated with the electronic trap states. The activation energy is determined by the temperature dependence of the capture time at electron traps under the assumption that it is described by an Arrhenius function.
- In metal-oxide interfacial devices, electrical conductance is observed through an oxide nanolayer sandwiched between metal electrodes.
- The size of the conductive path in metal-oxide interfacial devices is dependent on the current value and is usually nanoscale in diameter, taking the form of a filamentary wire. This evaluation method is useful for analysing the electronic trap states in nanowires and other miniaturized devices that have nanolayers.

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201.79 € incl tax
201.79 € incl tax
Standard monitoring