This document specifies principles and methods for the use of gravitational photosedimentation techniques for the characterization of dispersed phases of suspensions and emulsions. These techniques monitor the gravity-induced phase separation of particulate materials dispersed in liquids by recording photometric signals (i.e. intensity of transmitted or scattered light) as a function of either vertical position or measurement time, or both.
This document does not cover particle migration by centrifugal, electric or magnetic forces, or sedimentation at high particle concentrations (e.g. zone sedimentation). Moreover, it does not cover the determination of properties other than sedimentation velocity and particle size (i.e. it does not cover particle concentration, particle shape, particle density, zeta-potential or apparent viscosity).
Additionally, this document does not cover alternative techniques for gravitational sedimentation including balance based and X-ray based techniques.
NOTE This document does not purport to address all the safety problems associated with its use.
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