This document provides detailed and rigorous procedures for the independent performance testing of all forms of ship in-water cleaning (IWC), including on all types of biofouling (i.e. biofilms/microfouling and macrofouling), all external submerged surfaces (i.e. hull and niche areas), and both proactive and reactive IWC systems with or without the capture, processing, and disposal of debris. This document also includes testing protocols and describes how to produce data and report on the efficacy and safety of IWC systems to clean various ship surfaces and for the capture and disposal of cleaning debris.
The development of specific IWC performance requirements, criteria, or standards is outside the scope of this document and is the responsibility of individual authorities, agencies, or administrations. Similarly, while some methods and approaches described in this document can apply to other ship biofouling management approaches, systems designed to kill or prevent biofouling on external surfaces without removal (i.e. without in-water cleaning), and systems that remove or treat biofouling on internal surfaces (e.g. seawater pipes) or external surfaces of intricate mechanical components (e.g. external parts of propeller shaft seal), are also outside the scope of this document.
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