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prEN 319 411-1 V1.5.0

Electronic Signatures and Trust Infrastructures (ESI); Policy and security requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing certificates; Part 1: General requirements

General information

Base Documents
Draft ETSI EN 319 411-1 V1.5.0
Directives or regulations
You can view draft standards in the Commenting portal🡭.

Standard history

The present document specifies generally applicable policy and security requirements for Trust Service Providers (TSPs) issuing public key certificates, including trusted web site certificates.
The policy and security requirements are defined in terms of requirements for the issuance, maintenance and life-cycle management of certificates. These policy and security requirements support several reference certificate policies, defined in clauses 4 and 5.
A framework for the definition of policy requirements for TSPs issuing certificates in a specific context where particular requirements apply is defined in clause 7.
The present document covers requirements for CA hierarchies, however this is limited to supporting the policies as specified in the present document. It does not include requirements for root CAs and intermediate CAs for other purposes.
The present document is applicable to:
• the general requirements of certification in support of cryptographic mechanisms, including digital signatures for electronic signatures and seals;
• the general requirements of certification authorities issuing TLS/SSL certificates;
• the general requirements of the use of cryptography for authentication and encryption.
The present document does not specify how the requirements identified can be assessed by an independent party, including requirements for information to be made available to such independent assessors, or requirements on such assessors.
NOTE: See ETSI EN 319 403 for guidance on assessment of TSP's processes and services. The present document references ETSI EN 319 401 for general policy requirements common to all classes of TSP's services.
The present document includes provisions consistent with the requirements from the CA/Browser Forum in EVCG and BRG.

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