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prEN 9241

Aerospace series - Programme management - Execution logic

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prEN 9241
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The scope of the present document is to provide the elements needed for elaborating the programme execution logic and drafting the execution plan for the realization of a product.
NOTE 1  In this document, the term “logic” alone is sometimes used for “execution logic”.
NOTE 2  In this document, the term “product” is used to designate the object of the program concerned, and the term “system” is used to designate the product for anything related to system engineering.
NOTE 3  The product is also considered a “system-of-interest” and its enabling systems are also taken into account.
The execution logic and plan enable customers/suppliers to reach an agreement on how their respective processes and activities can be organized.
The aim is to enable each actor in the programme to manage their activities with sufficient visibility of the sequencing of the other stakeholders’ activities.
This document belongs to the documents supporting EN 9200 relating to the programme management specification.
The present document describes the principles of programme execution logic and defines the corresponding management requirements. This description is supplemented:
-  on the one hand, in terms of execution logic principles, by:
o  the challenges of a basic logic common to all actors (synchronization);
o  the applicable criteria to set up this basic logic;
o  the translation of this logic into the programme processes;
-  on the other hand, in terms of implementing the execution logic, by:
o  the procedures for practical implementation of the management requirements defined in EN 9200;
o  adaptations of the logic according to the various constraints and specificities of the programme, and justification of these adaptations;
o  the consistency between the basic logic at system level and the logics at subsystem and constituent levels.
The breakdown of clauses as used in this document gives a gradual understanding of the approach to be adopted to construct an execution logic. For instance:
-  Clause 5 presents the end-purpose of a programme execution logic as well as the associated basic concepts and the constituents of this logic;
-  Clause 6 describes and characterizes the process for building the logic;
-  Clause 7 concerns change control to the execution logic;
-  Clause 8 concentrates on the importance of capitalization and lessons learned.
This document applies to aeronautical, space and defence programmes. The principles can be extended to other areas of activity.
It applies to realization of a single product, of several samples or of a series. It applies to any customer/supplier level, while ensuring consistency between successive levels.
The principles described concern all programme actors, from initial expression of need through to closure of the programme.

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