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prEN IEC 60115-4:2024

Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment - Part 4: Sectional specification: Power resistors for through hole assembly on circuit boards (THT) or for assembly on chassis

General information

Base Documents
prEN IEC 60115-4:2024; IEC 60115-4:2022
Directives or regulations
You can view draft standards in the Commenting portal🡭.

Standard history

This part of IEC 60115 is applicable to fixed power resistors for use in electronic equipment.
This standard relates to resistors having a rated dissipation typically greater than 1W up to and including 1000W for use in
electronic equipment. This standard is applicable to fixed power resistors with a maximum surface temperature (MET)
higher than the preferred upper category temperature (UCT) of 200°C.
These resistors are typically described according to types (different geometric shapes) and styles (different dimensions)
and product technology.
The resistive element of these resistors is typically
- protected by a conformal lacquer coating or
- cement coating or
- vitreous enamel or
- a ceramic body or
- any other housing, which is to be described in the relevant specification.
The electrical connection of these resistors is typically achieved by means of
- lead wire terminations or
- punched terminals or lug terminals or
- push on terminals or
- screw terminals or
- any other termination, which is to be described in the relevant specification
In special cases, a heat sink may be applicable but not mandatory.

The object of this standard is to prescribe preferred ratings and characteristics and to select from IEC 60115-1 the
appropriate quality assessment procedures, tests and measuring methods and to give general performance requirements
for this type of resistor.

Test severities and requirements prescribed in detail specifications referring to this sectional specification shall be of equal
or higher performance level, because lower performance levels are not permitted.
Since the documents of the 60115-X series are exempted from the parallel procedure (D162/C089), this New Work Item Proposal aims to endorse the main IEC document IEC 60115-4:2022 as a European standard. The standard shall be published together with the finalised Common Modifications.

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Standard monitoring