This part of IEC 60721 classifies the groups of environmental parameters and their severities to which products are subject to during portable and non-stationary use. This includes periods of transfer, down time, maintenance and repair.
The environmental conditions encompassed by these groups include the environmental conditions occurring:
• at locations where the product may be placed or used temporarily and
• during the transfer of products between different locations.
The conditions of portable and non-stationary use to which products may be exposed include land-based and offshore, weatherprotected, and non-weatherprotected locations. The conditions also include those occurring during transfer between locations.
The environmental conditions specified in this document are applicable to products which are frequently moved from place to place, particularly when the transfer time may be a significant proportion of the product’s lifetime. During such transfer the product is unlikely to have any special packaging.
The environmental conditions specified in this document do not consider the use profile of the product i.e., whether the product is used only during a temporary stationary state, during the state of transfer or arbitrary.
Accidental incidents such as fire, explosion and other unforeseen incidents are not included.
However, their occurrence may need to be considered in special cases.
Micro-climates occurring within a product are not included.
Classification of for stationary use, storage and transportation environmental conditions are given in other subparts of the IEC 60721-3 series.
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