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prEN ISO 12006-2

Building construction - Organization of information about construction works - Part 2: Framework for classification and breakdown structures (ISO/DIS 12006-2:2024)

General information

Base Documents
ISO/DIS 12006-2; prEN ISO 12006-2
Directives or regulations
You can view draft standards in the Commenting portal🡭.

Standard history

This part of ISO 12006 defines a framework for the development of built environment classification systems.
The framework is a breakdown structure supporting the spatial, physical, process aspects along with relevant resources and support This framework provides a set of recommended classification table titles for a range of information object groupings according to particular views, e.g., by form or function, supported by definitions. It shows how the object groupings classified in each table are related, e.g., in a building information model.
This part of ISO 12006 applies to the complete life cycle of assets, including briefing, design, documentation, construction, operation and maintenance, demolition and possible reuse of assets or components. It applies to both building and civil engineering works, including associated engineering services, landscaping and its natural environment. It is intended for use by organizations which develop and publish such classification systems and tables, which can vary in detail to suit local needs. When this part of ISO 12006 is applied in the development of local classification systems and tables, then harmonization between them will be facilitated.
The management of the built environment above the level of complex, entities and project/programmes (for example geographic catchment areas, asset portfolios, functional requirements and organizational activity) are outside the scope of this document.
This part of ISO 12006 does not provide the content of the tables, though it does give examples.

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Standard monitoring