
EVS-EN 302 066 V2.2.1:2020

Lähitoimeseadmed (SRD); Pinnase ja seina sondeerimisradarid (GPR/WPR); Raadiospektri juurdepääsu harmoneeritud standard

Kehtiv alates 16.07.2020
ETSI EN 302 066 V2.2.1
Tegevusala (ICS grupid)
Direktiivid või määrused
2014/53/EU Raadioseadmed
ETSI standardeid meie e-poest osta ei saa. Neid on võimalik tasuta alla laadida siit.
See standard on harmoneeritud standard direktiivi 2014/53/EL (Raadioseadmed) mõistes, arvestades järgmist märkust: Selle harmoneeritud standardi järgimine ei anna alust eeldada vastavust direktiivi 2014/53/EL artikli 3 lõikes 2 sätestatud olulisele nõudele, kui kohaldatakse üht alljärgnevatest sätetest: - selle standardi punkti 6.2.5 üheksanda lõigu lauset „Kiirguse mõõtmisel võib kogu sagedusala 30 MHz kuni 1 000MHz katmiseks kasutada ka kahekoonuseliste ja logoperioodiliste võreantennide kombinatsiooni“; - selle standardi punkti 6.2.5 kümnendat lõiku; - selle standardi punkti 6.2.5 üheteistkümnendat lõiku.

Standardi ajalugu

The present document specifies the requirements for Ground- and Wall- Probing Radar imaging systems applications. Ground Probing Radars (GPR) and Wall Probing Radars (WPR) are used in survey and detection applications.
The scope is limited to GPR and WPR radars, which are imaging systems are designed to operate while in contact with, or in close proximity to the ground or the wall, and their emissions being directed into the ground or wall (e.g. measured by a proximity sensor or imposed by the mechanical design). It does not include radars operated from aircraft or spacecraft.
The GPR/WPR applications in the present document are not intended for communications purposes, and the intended signal is not radiated into free space.
The emissions into the air resulting from the operation of GPR/WPR imaging systems are therefore defined as those emissions radiated in all directions above the ground from the GPR/WPR equipment, including direct emissions from the housing/structure of the equipment and emissions reflected or passing through the media under inspection (referred in ECC/DEC/(06)08 [i.2] and in the present document as "undesired emissions"); they are therefore dependent on the operational conditions and are meaningful only if the GPR/WPR are coupled with the material being investigated.
NOTE 1: Equipment covered by the present document is intended to be used by competent professional personnel.
The present document applies to:
1) Ground Probing Radars (GPR) operating in the frequency range 30 MHz to 12,4 GHz radiating directly downwards into the ground.
2) Wall Probing Radars (WPR) operating in the frequency range 30 MHz to 12,4 GHz radiating directly into a "wall". The "wall" is a building material structure, the side of a bridge, the wall of a mine or another physical structure that absorbs a significant part of the signal transmitted by the radar.
These equipment can either:
1) be fitted with integral antennas and without antenna connector; or
2) use different imaging heads (antennas) with an antenna connector, to allow operation at different operating bandwidths frequencies.
NOTE 2: Equipment covered by the present document operates in accordance with ECC/DEC(06)08.
These radio equipment types are capable of operating in all or part of the frequency bands given in table 1.
Table 1: Permitted ranges of operation
Permitted range of operation
Transmit 30 MHz to 12,4 GHz
Receive 30 MHz to 12,4 GHz
NOTE 1: Limits in table 2, clause 4.3.4 are to be met.
NOTE 2: The frequency usage conditions for GPR/WPR are not fully harmonised in the EU and CEPT. Some National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) may not have a general frequency allocation for GPR/WPT and may have established individual licensing requirements (e.g. registration of the user). Annex 2 of ECC/DEC/(06)08 gives some guidance to administrations.
NOTE 3: The relationship between the present document and essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU is given in annex A.
Standardi monitooring