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ISO/IEC 15067-3-30:2024

Information technology — Home Electronic System (HES) application model — Part 3-30: Energy management agent functional requirements and interfaces


Kehtiv alates 22.03.2024
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This document specifies functional requirements and reference interfaces for interconnected energy management agents (EMAs) based on the model for an EMA specified in ISO/IEC 15067-3 and the model for multiple interacting EMAs specified in ISO/IEC 15067-3-3. This specification supports energy management by facilitating interactions and information exchange among EMAs and appliances, consumer electronics, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment, water heaters, distributed energy resources (DERs), electric vehicle (EV) chargers, and other loads supplied by public and local power sources in a house or an apartment complex. Local power sources can use DER, which can include, but are not limited to, wind turbines, solar panels, and storage (stationary and mobile). EMAs specified with these functions and interfaces can assist the consumer in responding to price-varying public power and buying or selling transactive energy (TE). This document specifies framework methods for EMAs to co-ordinate the delivery of energy management applications, and the reference interfaces facilitate a communications protocol among interacting EMAs. These linked and interacting EMAs provide energy optimization and conservation within constraints such as a consumer's financial budget and goals for greenhouse gas reduction, while supporting programmes as diverse as TE and demand response (DR).

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