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ISO/TS 5474-5:2024

Electrically propelled road vehicles — Functional and safety requirements for power transfer between vehicle and external electric circuit — Part 5: Automatic conductive power transfer


Kehtiv alates 31.01.2024
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Standardi ajalugu

This document defines requirements for the onboard system (vehicle side) related to the automatic connection for conductive alternating current (AC) and/or direct current (DC) power transfer between electrically propelled road vehicles (EVs) and external electric circuits. This document addresses the following aspects:
—     electrical and mechanical safety requirements;
—     compatibility requirements;
—     environmental conditions;
—     functionality requirements;
—     test procedures.
This document applies to:
—     EVs supporting automatic connection of a vehicle inlet according to IEC 62196-2, IEC 62196-3, IEC TS 62196-3-1 or IEC TS 63379 (category 1) and
—     EVs supporting automatic connection of a category 3 vehicle inlet or category 3 plug (typically at the underbody of the vehicle) according to IEC TS 61851-26.
NOTE 1       IEC TS 61851-26 does not include automatic connection of vehicle inlets or plugs of category 1 and category 2, that can also be mounted at the underbody of the vehicle.
Requirements for EVs equipped with an ACD or ACD counterpart of category 2 are specified in EN 50696 and IEC 63407.
Requirements for simultaneous operation of multiple power transfer interfaces are under consideration and not covered in this document.
NOTE 2       Requirements for ACD infrastructure, communication sequence and communication interface are specified in IEC 61851-23-1, IEC TS 61851-26 and IEC TS 61851-27.
NOTE 3       EMC requirements for vehicles conductively connected to the supply network are defined in IEC 61851-21-1.

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125,87 € koos KM-ga
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