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prEN 305 550-6 V1.1.0

Lähitoimeseadmed (SRD), mida kasutatakse 40 GHz kuni 260 GHz sagedusvahemikus; Raadiospektrile juurdepääsu harmoneeritud standard; Osa 6. Spetsiifilised raadiotuvastuse rakendused - mahutite taseme sondeerimisseadmed (TLPR) ja taseme sondeerimisseadmed (LPR), mis töötavad sagedusvahemikes 116 GHz kuni 148,5 GHz; 167 GHz kuni 182 GHz ja 231,5 GHz kuni 250 GHz


Draft ETSI EN 305 550-6 V1.1.0
Tegevusala (ICS grupid)
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Standardi ajalugu

The present document specifies technical requirements, limits and test methods for SRD radiodetermination equipment using Ultra Wide Band technology (UWB) in the frequency ranges from 116 GHz to 148,5 GHz, from 167 GHz to 182 GHz, and from 231,5 GHz to 250 GHz for Level Probing Radar (LPR) and Tank Level Probing Radar (TLPR).
Level Probing Radars and Tank Level Probing Radars consist of a combined transmitter and receiver and are equipped with an integral or dedicated antenna provided also by the EUT manufacturer. EUTs intended to be equipped with antennas from third-party manufacturers are not covered by the scope of the present document.
Furthermore, the present document is limited to LPR and TLPR devices with FMCW modulation (see clause C.2.2 of ETSI EN 303 883-1).
Further details of the covered LPR and TLPR EUT can be found in clause 4.2 of the present document.
NOTE 1: The relationship between the present document and essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU is given in annex A.
NOTE 2: Equipment covered by the present document operates in accordance with clause 2.3 and clause 2.5 of ECC Decision(22)03 and the upcoming EC framework for UWB/SRDs for the range 116 GHz to 260 GHz, which is based on the results of ECC Report 334.

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