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prEN IEC 60079-29-0:2024

Explosive atmospheres - Part 29-0: Gas detectors - General requirements and test methods, and possible supplementary parts.


31/1784/CDV; prEN IEC 60079-29-0:2024
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prEN IEC 60079-29-0:2024
This part of IEC 60079-29 specifies general requirements, test methods and acceptance criteria that apply to flammable, oxygen and toxic gas detection equipment intended to detect gases and vapours and to provide an indication, alarm or other output function for personnel or property protection in industrial and commercial applications.
NOTE 1 The term Gas Detection Equipment is often referred to as the term Gas Detector.
NOTE 2 The term ‘gas’ and ‘gases’ used in this document are also intended to include ‘vapour’ and ‘vapours’.
This document applies to the following gas detection equipment:
• Gas detection equipment Type “FL” intended for the detection of flammable gases:
− Group I, in mines susceptible to firedamp;
− Group II, in locations other than mines susceptible to firedamp; and
− Type FL-OP, open path gas detection equipment for flammable gases .
• Gas detection equipment Type “O2” intended for the detection of Oxygen:
− Type O2-DE, detection of oxygen deficiency or oxygen enrichment; and
− Type O2-IN, inertisation as measuring function for explosion protection.
NOTE 3 Inertisation is an explosion protection technique where an explosive atmosphere is purged with inert gas.
• Gas detection equipment Type “TX” intended for the detection of toxic gases:
− Type TX-SM, detection in areas for general applications (for example, safety monitoring, leak detection), and typically using alarm signalling;
− Type TX-HM, occupational exposure measurement in the region of occupational exposure limit values; and
NOTE 4 Type TX-HM gas detection equipment performance requirements reside in IEC 62990-1.
− Type TX-OP, open path gas detection equipment for toxic gases.
NOTE 5 This standard addresses equipment giving a level of performance suitable for general purpose applications.
Specific applications might additionally require equipment to be submitted for particular tests or approval. Such tests or approval are regarded as additional to and separate from the compliance with this document.

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