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Drafting and translating a standard

Estonian Centre for Standardisation and Accreditation provides the opportunity to participate in the drafting of Estonian, European, and international standards or to initiate the drafting of new standards. Additionally, EVS organises the translation of European and international standards into Estonian.

The drafting of standards is mainly done via the technical or project committee. If you have a lasting interest in drafting standards for a certain field, you should contact the coordinator of standardisation who will provide you with relevant information regarding the organisation of work in the committee and help you to join it, should you so wish.

If you are thinking of proposing a new standard, you should first determine whether a relevant technical or project committee already exists, in which case the idea for the preparation of a new standard will be coordinated with the committee. To do so, you will need to contact the coordinator of standardisation, who is designated as the contact person for the committee, or get in touch with the secretary of the relevant committee directly. If there is no committee, you should contact the coordinator of standardisation, who will help you to set up the further drafting process.

The publication in Estonian of standards that were originally in other languages is also co-ordinated with the relevant technical committee.

Information on the preparation of home-grown standards and standards undergoing translation can be found in the standards programme which is updated on a monthly basis.

For more information, contact the coordinator of standardisation.


Funding of standards    Drafting a home-grown standard    Translation method     Endorsement method     The reprint method