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Käsitlusala: Madalpinge

  • CLC/SR 70 - Degrees of protection provided by enclosures
  • CLC/TC 20 - Electric cables
  • CLC/TC 213 - Cable management systems
  • CLC/TC 23B - Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installation
  • CLC/TC 23E - Circuit breakers and similar devices for household and similar applications
  • CLC/TC 31 - Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres
  • CLC/TC 44X - Safety of machinery: electrotechnical aspects
  • CLC/TC 59X - Performance of household and similar electrical appliances
  • CLC/TC 64 - Electrical installations and protection against electric shock
  • CLC/TC 69X - Electrical systems for electric road vehicles
  • IEC/TC 18 - Electrical installations of ships and of mobile and fixed offshore units
  • IEC/TC 20 - Electric cables
  • IEC/TC 23 - Electrical accessories
  • IEC/TC 3 - Documentation, graphical symbols and representations of technical information
  • IEC/TC 31 - Equipment for explosive atmospheres
  • IEC/TC 32 - Fuses
  • IEC/TC 44 - Safety of machinery - Electrotechnical aspects
  • IEC/TC 59 - Performance of household and similar electrical appliances
  • IEC/TC 64 - Electrical installations and protection against electric shock
  • IEC/TC 66 - Safety of measuring, control and laboratory equipment
  • IEC/TC 69 - Electrical power/energy transfer systems for electrically propelled road vehicles and industrial trucks
  • IEC/TC 70 - Degrees of protection provided by enclosures
  • IEC/TC 121 - Switchgear and controlgear and their assemblies for low voltage
  • CLC/TC 121A - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear
  • CLC/SR 121 - Switchgear and controlgear and their assemblies for low voltage
  • CLC/SR 121B - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies
  • IEC/TC 18/SC 18A - Electric cables for ships and mobile and fixed offshore units
  • IEC/TC 121/SC 121A - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear
  • IEC/TC 121/SC 121B - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies
Komitee liikmed
  1. Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Amet
  2. AS Harju Elekter
  3. Eesti Elektritööde Ettevõtjate Liit
  4. Elektrilevi OÜ
  5. Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Elektroenergeetika ja mehhatroonika instituut
  6. Prysmian Group Baltics AS
  7. Eesti Elektroenergeetika Selts
  8. OBO Bettermann OÜ

Loomiskuupäev: 29.07.2002

Tehnilise komitee tööprogramm

Esimees: Mati Roosnurm

Tehniline sekretär: Meelis Kärt

Koordinaator: Anna-Maria Hütt