Käsitlusala: Madalpinge
- CLC/SR 70 - Degrees of protection provided by enclosures
- CLC/TC 20 - Electric cables
- CLC/TC 213 - Cable management systems
- CLC/TC 23B - Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installation
- CLC/TC 23E - Circuit breakers and similar devices for household and similar applications
- CLC/TC 31 - Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres
- CLC/TC 44X - Safety of machinery: electrotechnical aspects
- CLC/TC 59X - Performance of household and similar electrical appliances
- CLC/TC 64 - Electrical installations and protection against electric shock
- CLC/TC 69X - Electrical systems for electric road vehicles
- IEC/TC 18 - Electrical installations of ships and of mobile and fixed offshore units
- IEC/TC 20 - Electric cables
- IEC/TC 23 - Electrical accessories
- IEC/TC 3 - Documentation, graphical symbols and representations of technical information
- IEC/TC 31 - Equipment for explosive atmospheres
- IEC/TC 32 - Fuses
- IEC/TC 44 - Safety of machinery - Electrotechnical aspects
- IEC/TC 59 - Performance of household and similar electrical appliances
- IEC/TC 64 - Electrical installations and protection against electric shock
- IEC/TC 66 - Safety of measuring, control and laboratory equipment
- IEC/TC 69 - Electrical power/energy transfer systems for electrically propelled road vehicles and industrial trucks
- IEC/TC 70 - Degrees of protection provided by enclosures
- IEC/TC 121 - Switchgear and controlgear and their assemblies for low voltage
- CLC/TC 121A - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear
- CLC/SR 121 - Switchgear and controlgear and their assemblies for low voltage
- CLC/SR 121B - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies
- IEC/TC 18/SC 18A - Electric cables for ships and mobile and fixed offshore units
- IEC/TC 121/SC 121A - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear
- IEC/TC 121/SC 121B - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies
- Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Amet
- AS Harju Elekter
- Eesti Elektritööde Ettevõtjate Liit
- Elektrilevi OÜ
- Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Elektroenergeetika ja mehhatroonika instituut
- Prysmian Group Baltics AS
- Eesti Elektroenergeetika Selts
- OBO Bettermann OÜ
Loomiskuupäev: 29.07.2002
Esimees: Mati Roosnurm
Tehniline sekretär: Meelis Kärt
Koordinaator: Anna-Maria Hütt