
Uued standardid
EVS-EN ISO 22074-1:2024
Railway infrastructure - Rail fastening systems - Part 1: Vocabulary (ISO 22074-1:2020)
Käsitlusala: This document specifies the terms and definitions used in the ISO 22074 series of standards related to rail fastening systems.
NOTE In this document, there are some entries where more than one term is listed in the header (e.g. sleeper, tie, cross tie in 3.2.3). In such cases, the first term is the preferred term, generally used in the ISO 22074 series of standards. The other terms are also in common use in the railway industry and are considered to be synonymous (admitted terms).
Alusdokumendid: ISO 22074-1:2020; EN ISO 22074-1:2024
ISO 18128:2024
Information and documentation — Records risks — Risk assessment for records management
Käsitlusala: The document:
a)       provides methods for identifying and documenting risks related to records, records processes, controls and systems (records risks);
b)       provides techniques for analysing records risks;
c)        provides guidelines for conducting an evaluation of records risks.
This document intends to assist organizations in assessing records risks so they can ensure records continue to meet identified business needs as long as required.
This document can be used by all organizations regardless of size, nature of their activities, or complexity of their functions and structure.
This document does not directly address the mitigation of risks, as methods for these vary from organization to organization.
It can be used by records professionals or people who have responsibility for records and records processes, controls and/or systems in their organizations, and by auditors or managers who have responsibility for risk management programs in their organizations.
ISO 5411:2024
Ships and marine technology — Submersibles — Vocabulary
Käsitlusala: This document provides basic terminology and concepts related to submersibles. It covers 11 aspects of terminology related to submersibles: types, performance, structural system, mechanical system, electrical system, acoustic system, control system, surface system, work pattern, test and maintenance and personnel.
It is not applicable to particular conditions, such as the classification and construction of submersibles.
ISO 24021-2:2024
Light gauge metal containers — Vocabulary and classification — Part 2: General cans
Käsitlusala: This document defines terms and establishes a classification (see Annex A) for general cans.
This document is applicable to general cans used in food, chemical, gift and other fields made of tinplate or chrome plated steel, stainless steel plate and laminated steel plate with a nominal material thickness no more than 0,49 mm.
Asendatud standardid
ISO/TR 18128:2014 et
Informatsioon ja dokumentatsioon. Dokumentidega seotud protsesside ja süsteemide riskihindamine
Käsitlusala: Selle tehnilise aruande eesmärk on abistada organisatsioone dokumentidega seotud protsesside ja süsteemide riskihindamisel selleks, et dokumendid oleksid kooskõlas organisatsiooni vajadustega seni, kuni neid vajatakse.
See tehniline aruanne
a) seab sisse metoodika dokumentidega seotud protsesside ja süsteemide riskituvastuse analüüsiks;
b) annab metoodika dokumentidega seotud protsesse ja süsteeme mõjutavate ebasoodsate sündmuste tekitatud võimalike tagajärgede analüüsiks;
c) annab juhiseid dokumentidega seotud protsesside ja süsteemide riskihindamise tegemiseks;
d) annab juhiseid tuvastatud ja hinnatud riskide dokumenteerimiseks, et valmistuda riskide mõju leevendamiseks.
See tehniline aruanne ei käsitle organisatsiooni toimimisega seotud üldisi riske, mida saab leevendada dokumentide loomisega.
Seda tehnilist aruannet saavad kasutada kõik organisatsioonid olenemata nende suurusest, tegevuste iseloomust või funktsioonide ja struktuuri keerukusest. Nimetatud asjaolud, nagu ka normatiivne keskkond, milles organisatsioon tegutseb ja mis reguleerib dokumentide loomist ja ohjet, võetakse arvesse dokumentidega seotud protsesside ja süsteemide riskituvastusel ja riskihindamisel.
Määrates kindlaks organisatsiooni või selle piire, tuleks arvestada selle tervikstruktuuri, osalusi ja partnerlust ning teenuste ja tarneahela väljasttellimisega seotud lepinguid. Selline toimimismudel on tänapäeval avalikus ja erasektoris tavapärane. Organisatsiooni piiride kindlaksmääramine on esmane samm dokumentidega seotud riskihindamise projekti käsitlusala määratlemisel.
See tehniline aruanne ei käsitle otseselt riskimõjude leevendamist, kuna meetodid selleks on igas organisatsioonis erinevad.
Tehnilist aruannet saavad kasutada dokumendihalduse personal või need, kellel on organisatsioonis dokumentidega seotud vastutused, samuti audiitorid ja valdkonnajuhid, kellel on organisatsiooni riskijuhtimise vastutus.
Alusdokumendid: ISO/TR 18128:2014
EVS-EN 134:2001
Hingamisteede kaitsevahendid. Koostisosade loetelu
Käsitlusala: This European Standard specifies a harmonized nomenclature for typical components of respiratory protective devices. It does not specify which or how many components are used and where they are located in the apparatus.
Alusdokumendid: EN 134:1998
Asendatud: EVS-EN 134:2024
ISO 1990-2:1985
Fruits -- Nomenclature -- Second list
Käsitlusala: Gives a list of botanical names of 22 fruit plants, together with the common names of the fruits in English, French and Russian. Gives, in addition, alphabetical indices of the common names in the three languages.
ISO 1991-2:1995
Vegetables -- Nomenclature -- Part 2: Second list
Käsitlusala: Gives a second list of botanical names of vegetable plants together with the common names in Englisch und French. Cancels and replaces the first edition, which has been technically revised.
ISO/TR 18128:2014
Information and documentation -- Risk assessment for records processes and systems
Käsitlusala: ISO/TR 18128:2014 intends to assist organizations in assessing risks to records processes and systems so they can ensure records continue to meet identified business needs as long as required.
ISO/TR 18128:2014:
a)    establishes a method of analysis for identifying risks related to records processes and systems,
b)    provides a method of analysing the potential effects of adverse events on records processes and systems,
c)    provides guidelines for conducting an assessment of risks related to records processes and systems, and
d)    provides guidelines for documenting identified and assessed risks in preparation for mitigation.
ISO/TR 18128:2014 can be used by all organizations regardless of size, nature of their activities, or complexity of their functions and structure. These factors, and the regulatory regime in which the organization operates which prescribes the creation and control of its records, are taken into account when identifying and assessing risk related to records and records systems.
ISO/TR 18128:2014 can be used by records professionals or people who have responsibility for records in their organizations and by auditors or managers who have responsibility for risk management programs in their organizations.
Asendatud: ISO 18128:2024
EN 1885:2018/prA1
Feather and down - Terms and definitions
Käsitlusala: This European Standard defines the principal terms used in the field of feather and down.
Alusdokumendid: EN 1885:2018/prA1
prEN ISO 24478
Railway applications - Braking - General vocabulary (ISO 24478:2023)
Käsitlusala: This document defines terms for brakes and braking in rolling stock.
Alusdokumendid: ISO 24478:2023; prEN ISO 24478
prEN ISO 5459
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Geometrical tolerancing - Datums and datum systems (ISO/DIS 5459:2024)
Käsitlusala: ISO 5459:2011 specifies terminology, rules and methodology for the indication and understanding of datums and datum systems in technical product documentation. It also provides explanations to assist the user in understanding the concepts involved.
ISO 5459:2011 defines the specification operator (see ISO 17450-2) used to establish a datum or datum system. The verification operator (see ISO 17450-2) can take different forms (physically or mathematically) and is not the subject of ISO 5459:2011.
The detailed rules for maximum and least material requirements for datums are given in ISO 2692.
Alusdokumendid: ISO/FDIS 5459; prEN ISO 5459
prEN ISO 9706
Information and documentation - Paper for documents - Requirements for permanence (ISO/DIS 9706:2024)
Käsitlusala: Specifies the requirements for permanent paper intended for documents given in terms of minimum strength measured by a tear test, minimum content of substance (such as calcium carbonate) that neutralize acid action measured by the alkali reserve, maximum content of easily oxidized material measured by the kappa number, maximum and minimum pH values of a cold water extract of the paper. Is applicable to unprinted papers. Is not applicable to boards.
Alusdokumendid: ISO/DIS 9706; prEN ISO 9706