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Uued standardid
EVS-EN 1594:2024
Gaasitaristu. Torustikud maksimaalse töörõhuga üle 16 bar. Talitluslikud nõuded

Selles dokumendis kirjeldatakse talitluslikke nõudeid torustikele maksimaalse töörõhuga üle 16 bar. Lisaks kirjeldatakse selles dokumendis mehaaniliste omaduste nõudeid jaamades paiknevatele torustikele maksimaalse töörõhuga üle 16 bar.
MÄRKUS  Keevitusnõudeid on kirjeldatud standardis EN 12732. Jaamade talitluslikud nõuded on toodud standardites EN 1776, EN 1918-5, EN 12186 ja EN 12583.
See dokument on kohaldatav gaasi transportimisel, kui kasutatakse maismaal asuvat terasest valmistatud kõrgrõhu torustikku, mille korral kehtivad järgmised tingimused:
—  maismaa:
—  alates kohast, kus torustik lõikub esmakordselt punktiga, mida üldiselt tunnustatakse maismaal asuva osa ja meres asuva osa vastutusalade piirina ning see ei paikne äri- või tööstusettevõtete territooriumil tootmisprotsessi lahutamatu osana, kusjuures erandid on kõik selliste ettevõtete gaasivarustuseks vajalikud torustikud ja rajatised;
—  maismaal paikneva alguspunktiga torustik, ka siis, kui maismaal paikneva torustiku osad läbivad või ületavad fjorde, järvi jms;
—  kõrgrõhk: gaas maksimaalse töörõhuga üle 16 bar ning arvutustemperatuuriga vahemikus −40 °C kuni 120 °C;
—  terastorustik: taristu, mis koosneb torustiku komponentidest, näiteks torudest, kraanidest, liitmikest ja muudest seadmetest, kusjuures komponendid on valmistatud legeerimata või madallegeeritud terasest ning ühendatud keevisõmbluste, äärikute või mehaaniliste liitmikega;
—  gaas: mittesöövitav maagaas, biometaangaas, vesinikgaas ja nende gaaside segud, kui tehnilise hindamise käigus on tuvastatud, et töötingimused või gaasi koostisosad või omadused ei mõjuta torustiku ohutut talitlust.
Selles dokumendis käsitletav gaasitaristu algab pärast gaasitootja gaasimõõtejaama.
MÄRKUS 2  Torustiku talitluslik piir paikneb tavaliselt vahetult pärast paigaldise esimest lahutuskraani, kuid võib olenevalt olukorrast erineda. Torustiku talitluslik piir paikneb tavaliselt paigaldise esimesel lahutuskraanil, kuid võib olenevalt olukorrast erineda.
Gaasitaristu torustikke on kujutatud skemaatiliselt joonisel 1.
Seda dokumenti võib kohaldada ka olemasolevate torustike ümberehitamisel.
Selles dokumendis on määratletud gaasitaristu üldised põhimõtted. Selle standardi kasutajad peaksid arvestama, et CEN-i liikmesriikides võivad kehtida üksikasjalikumad rahvuslikud standardid ja/või tegevusjuhised.
See dokument on mõeldud rakendamiseks koos nimetatud rahvuslike standardite ja/või tegevusjuhistega, milles on sätestatud eespool mainitud põhimõtted.
Vastuolude korral, mis puudutavad riiklikes õigusaktides/eeskirjades sätestatud rangemaid nõudeid võrreldes selle standardi nõuetega, tuleb juhinduda riiklike õigusaktide/eeskirjade nõuetest, nagu märgitud tehnilises aruandes CEN/TR 13737.
CEN/TR 13737 sätestab
—  kõigi liikmesriigis kohaldatavate õigusaktide/eeskirjade selgituse;
—  vajaduse korral rangemad riiklikud nõuded;
—  riikliku kontaktpunkti kõige uuema teabe saamiseks.

Alusdokumendid: EN 1594:2024
Asendab: EVS-EN 1594:2014
EVS-EN ISO 22435:2024
Gas cylinders - Cylinder valves with integrated pressure regulators - Specification and type testing (ISO 22435:2024)
Käsitlusala: This document specifies design, type test methods, marking and instruction requirements for cylinder valves with integrated pressure regulators (VIPRs) intended to be fitted to gas cylinders, pressure drums or tubes or used as a main valve for bundles of cylinders that convey compressed, liquefied or dissolved gases.
These are requirements for VIPRs that are in addition to those given in the relevant closure standard, for example, in ISO 10297 for cylinder valves, in ISO 17871 for quick-release cylinder valves, in ISO 17879 for self-closing cylinder valves or in ISO 23826 for ball valves. For ISO 17871, these requirements are only applicable to quick-release cylinder valves types B, C, D and E.
NOTE 1        If the pressure regulating system of a VIPR is acting as the primary valve operating mechanism, it is covered by the relevant closure standard, e.g. ISO 10297, ISO 17871, ISO 17879 and ISO 23826. This also includes designs where closure of the primary valve operating mechanism of a VIPR is obtained by closing the seat of the pressure regulating system.
NOTE 2        If the primary valve operating mechanism of a VIPR is located at the low-pressure side of the pressure regulating system, it is covered by the relevant closure standard, e.g. ISO 10297, ISO 17871, ISO 17879 and ISO 23826.
NOTE 3        The term “pressure receptacle” is used within this document to cover instances where no differentiation is necessary between gas cylinders, bundles of cylinders, pressure drums and tubes.
This document does not apply to VIPRs for
a)       medical applications (see ISO 10524-3);
b)       liquefied petroleum gas (LPG);
c)        cryogenic applications.
NOTE 4        Additional requirements for a VIPR with a residual pressure device (RPD) are specified in ISO 15996.
NOTE 5        Additional requirements for pressure relief valves can exist in international/regional regulations/ standards.
Alusdokumendid: ISO 22435:2024; EN ISO 22435:2024
ISO 10928:2024
Plastics piping systems — Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes and fittings — Methods for regression analysis and their use
Käsitlusala: This document specifies procedures suitable for the analysis of data which, when converted into logarithms of the values, have either a normal or a skewed distribution. It is intended for use with test methods and referring standards for glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes or fittings for the analysis of properties as a function of time. However, it can also be used for the analysis of other data.
Two methods are specified, which are used depending on the nature of the data. Extrapolation using these techniques typically extends a trend from data gathered over a period of approximately 10 000 h to a prediction of the property at 50 years, which is the typical maximum extrapolation time.
This document only addresses the analysis of data. The test procedures for collecting the data, the number of samples required and the time period over which data are collected are covered by the referring standards and/or test methods. Clause 6 discusses how the data analysis methods are applied to product testing and design.
Asendab: ISO 10928:2016
ISO 22435:2024
Gas cylinders — Cylinder valves with integrated pressure regulators — Specification and type testing
Käsitlusala: This document specifies design, type test methods, marking and instruction requirements for cylinder valves with integrated pressure regulators (VIPRs) intended to be fitted to gas cylinders, pressure drums or tubes or used as a main valve for bundles of cylinders that convey compressed, liquefied or dissolved gases.
These are requirements for VIPRs that are in addition to those given in the relevant closure standard, for example, in ISO 10297 for cylinder valves, in ISO 17871 for quick-release cylinder valves, in ISO 17879 for self-closing cylinder valves or in ISO 23826 for ball valves. For ISO 17871, these requirements are only applicable to quick-release cylinder valves types B, C, D and E.
NOTE 1        If the pressure regulating system of a VIPR is acting as the primary valve operating mechanism, it is covered by the relevant closure standard, e.g. ISO 10297, ISO 17871, ISO 17879 and ISO 23826. This also includes designs where closure of the primary valve operating mechanism of a VIPR is obtained by closing the seat of the pressure regulating system.
NOTE 2        If the primary valve operating mechanism of a VIPR is located at the low-pressure side of the pressure regulating system, it is covered by the relevant closure standard, e.g. ISO 10297, ISO 17871, ISO 17879 and ISO 23826.
NOTE 3        The term “pressure receptacle” is used within this document to cover instances where no differentiation is necessary between gas cylinders, bundles of cylinders, pressure drums and tubes.
This document does not apply to VIPRs for
a)       medical applications (see ISO 10524-3);
b)       liquefied petroleum gas (LPG);
c)        cryogenic applications.
NOTE 4        Additional requirements for a VIPR with a residual pressure device (RPD) are specified in ISO 15996.
NOTE 5        Additional requirements for pressure relief valves can exist in international/regional regulations/ standards.
ISO 10297:2024
Gas cylinders — Cylinder valves — Specification and type testing
Käsitlusala: This document specifies design, type testing and marking requirements for:
a)       cylinder valves intended to be fitted to refillable transportable gas cylinders;
b)       main valves (excluding ball valves) for bundles of cylinders;
c)        cylinder valves or main valves with integrated pressure regulator (VIPR);
NOTE 1        This includes the following specific VIPR designs where:
1)  The pressure regulating system is acting as the primary valve operating mechanism (VIPR type B). This also includes designs where closure of the primary valve operating mechanism is obtained by closing the seat of the pressure regulating mechanism.
2)  The primary valve operating mechanism is located at the low-pressure side of the pressure regulating system (VIPR type C).
d)       valves for pressure drums and tubes;
which convey compressed, liquefied or dissolved gases.
NOTE 2        Where there is no risk of ambiguity, cylinder valves, main valves, VIPRs and valves for pressure drums and tubes are addressed with the collective term “valves” within this document.
This document does not apply to
—     valves for cryogenic equipment, portable fire extinguishers and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG);
—     quick-release cylinder valves (e.g. for fire-extinguishing, explosion protection and rescue applications) - requirements for quick-release cylinder valves are specified in ISO 17871 which contains normative references to this document;
—     self-closing cylinder valves and ball valves.
NOTE 3        Requirements for valves for cryogenic vessels are specified in ISO 21011 and at a regional level, e.g. in EN 1626. Requirements for LPG valves are specified in ISO 14245 or ISO 15995. Requirements for self-closing cylinder valves are specified in ISO 17879. Requirements for ball valves are specified in ISO 23826. Requirements for valves for portable fire extinguishers at a regional level are specified, for example, in the EN 3 series.
This document only covers the function of a valve as a closure. Other functions that are possibly integrated in the valve can be covered by other standards. Such standards do however not constitute requirements according to this document.
NOTE 4        Definition of and specific requirements for VIPRs in addition to those that are given in this document are specified in ISO 22435 for industrial applications or ISO 10524-3 for medical applications. Similarly, certain specific requirements for residual pressure valves (RPV) with or without a non-return function in addition to those that are given in this document are given in ISO 15996.
NOTE 5        Certain specific requirements for valves for breathing apparatus in addition to those that are given in this document are specified at a regional level, for example, in the EN 144 series. Certain specific requirements for quick-release valves for fixed fire-fighting systems in addition to those that are given in this document are specified in ISO 16003 and at a regional level, for example, in EN 12094–4.
NOTE 6        Requirements for manufacturing tests and examinations of valves covered by this document are given in ISO 14246.
Asendatud standardid
EVS-EN ISO 22435:2007
Gas cylinders - Cylinder valves with integrated pressure regulators - Specification and type testing
Käsitlusala: This International Standard applies to cylinder valves with integrated pressure regulators (VIPR) intended to be fitted to gas cylinders that convey compressed, liquefied or dissolved gases. This International Standard is not intended for medical applications (see ISO 10524-3). Further, additional specific requirements for valves fitted with safety valves and bursting discs (see EN 14513) and for valves fitted with residual pressure valves (see ISO 15996) are not covered by this International Standard.
Alusdokumendid: ISO 22435:2007; EN ISO 22435:2007
EVS-EN ISO 22435:2007/A1:2012
Gas cylinders - Cylinder valves with integrated pressure regulators - Specification and type testing (ISO 22435:2007/Amd 1:2012)
Käsitlusala: This International Standard applies to cylinder valves with integrated pressure regulators (VIPR) intended to be fitted to gas cylinders that convey compressed, liquefied or dissolved gases. This International Standard is not intended for medical applications (see ISO 10524-3). Further, additional specific requirements for valves fitted with safety valves and bursting discs (see EN 14513) and for valves fitted with residual pressure valves (see ISO 15996) are not covered by this International Standard.
Alusdokumendid: ISO 22435:2007/Amd 1:2012; EN ISO 22435:2007/A1:2012
ISO 10297:2014
Gas cylinders -- Cylinder valves -- Specification and type testing
Käsitlusala: ISO 10297:2014 specifies design, type testing and marking requirements for:
a)    cylinder valves intended to be fitted to refillable transportable gas cylinders;
b)    main valves (excluding ball valves) for cylinder bundles;
c)    cylinder valves or main valves with integrated pressure regulator (VIPR);
which convey compressed, liquefied or dissolved gases.
ISO 10297:2014 covers the function of a valve as a closure. It does not apply to valves for cryogenic equipment, portable fire extinguishers and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and quick-release valves (e.g. for fire-extinguishing, explosion protection and rescue applications), non-return valves or ball valves.
Asendatud: ISO 10297:2024
EVS-EN 1594:2014
Gaasitaristu. Torustikud maksimaalse töörõhuga üle 16 bar. Talitluslikud nõuded
Käsitlusala: See standard on rakendatav üle 16 bar maksimaalse töörõhuga torustike suhtes, mis on mõeldud standardile EN ISO 13686 vastava töödeldud, mittemürgise ja mittekorrodeeriva maagaasi transportimiseks maismaa gaasitaristutes.
See standard on rakendatav ka torustike suhtes maksimaalse töörõhuga üle 16 bar, mis on mõeldud mitte-tavapäraste gaaside, nagu standardile EN ISO 13686 vastava biometaani lisandiga gaaside transportimiseks, millele on tehtud üksikasjalik talitluslike nõuete hindamine, millega tagatakse, et gaasil ei ole omadusi või koostisosi, mis võiksid mõjutada torustiku terviklikkust.
Maapealsetel gaasitorustikel:
- on torustiku elemendid valmistatud legeerimata või madallegeeritud terasest;
- ühendatakse torustiku elemendid keevisliidete, äärikliidete või mehaaniliste liitmikega;
- ei paikne torustik äri- või tööstusettevõtete territooriumil tootmisprotsessi lahutamatu osana, erandiks on selliste ettevõtete gaasivarustustorustikud ja -rajatised;
- on süsteemi arvutustemperatuur –40 °C kuni 120 °C, kaasa arvatud.
See standard on rakendatav maismaal paiknevate torustike suhtes alates kohast, kus torustik lõikub esmakordselt maismaatorustiku ja meretorustiku eralduspiiriga, milleks on tavaliselt näiteks:
- esimene lahutuskraan (eraldav sulgeseade);
- rannanõlva jalam;
- tõusujoon või mõõnajoon;
- saar.
See Euroopa standard on rakendatav ka maismaal paikneva alguspunktiga torustike suhtes, ning ka juhul, kui torustik läbib või ületab fjorde, järvi jms.
Standard ei ole rakendatav enne selle avaldamist kasutusele võetud torustikele ega olemasolevate torustike ümberehitamisele.
Standardis käsitletav gaasitaristu algab pärast gaasitootja gaasimõõtejaama. Torustiku talitluslik piir tootmisalal määratakse iga juhtumi jaoks eraldi. Üldjuhul paikneb see piir vahetult pärast paigaldise esimest lahutuskraani.
Standard kirjeldab ka mehaaniliste omaduste nõudeid jaamades paiknevatele torustikele maksimaalse töörõhuga üle 16 bar. Keevitusnõudeid on kirjeldatud gaasitaristu torustike keevitamist käsitlevas spetsiaalses rakendusstandardis EN 12732. Jaamade talitluslikud nõuded on antud järgmistes standardites:
- EN 1776. Gas supply systems – Natural gas measuring stations – Functional requirements
- EN 1918-5. Gas supply systems – Underground gas storage – Part 5: Functional recommendations for surface facilities
- EN 12186. Gas supply systems – Gas pressure regulating stations for transmission and distribution – Functional requirements
- EN 12583. Gas supply systems – Compressor stations – Functional requirements
See standard esitab gaasitaristu projekteerimise, ehitamise ja kasutamise üldised aluspõhimõtted. Standardi kasutajad peaksid teadma, et CEN-i liikmesriikides võivad olla kasutusel üksikasjalikumad rahvuslikud standardid ja riiklikud tegevuseeskirjad.
Standard on mõeldud rakendamiseks koos selliste rahvuslike standardite ja/või riiklike tegevuseeskirjadega, mis täpsustavad ülalmainitud üldisi põhimõtteid.
Kui riiklike õigusaktide/eeskirjade nõuded on selle standardiga võrreldes piiravamad, on eelistatud riiklikud õigusaktid/eeskirjad, nagu on kirjeldatud dokumendis CEN/TR 13737 (kõik osad).
MÄRKUS CEN/TR 13737 (kõik osad) sisaldab:
- riikides rakenduvate asjassepuutuvate seaduste/määruste selgitusi;
- asjakohastel juhtudel rangemaid riiklikke piiranguid;
- riiklikke kontaktpunkte päevakohase teabe saamiseks.
Standardis on viidatud asjakohastele Euroopa või muudele tunnustatud standarditele, mis käsitlevad gaasitaristu ehitamisel ja käitamisel kasutatavaid tooteid.
Gaasi ülekandetorustikke on kujutatud skemaatiliselt joonisel 1.
Alusdokumendid: EN 1594:2013
Asendatud: EVS-EN 1594:2024
ISO 10297:2014/Amd 1:2017
Pressure drums and tubes
Käsitlusala: Amendment to ISO 10297:2014
Asendatud: ISO 10297:2024
ISO 10928:2016
Plastics piping systems -- Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes and fittings -- Methods for regression analysis and their use
Käsitlusala: ISO 10928:2016 specifies procedures suitable for the analysis of data which, when converted into logarithms of the values, have either a normal or a skewed distribution. It is intended for use with the test methods and referring standards for glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes or fittings for the analysis of properties as a function of time. However, it can be used for the analysis of other data.
Depending upon the nature of the data, two methods are specified. The extrapolation using these techniques typically extends the trend from data gathered over a period of approximately 10 000 h to a prediction of the property at 50 years, which is the typical maximum extrapolation time.
ISO 10928:2016 only addresses the analysis of data. The test procedures to collect the data, the number of samples required and the time period over which data are collected are covered by the referring standards and/or test methods. Clause 6 discusses how the data analysis methods are applied to product testing and design.
Asendatud: ISO 10928:2024
ISO 22435:2007
Gas cylinders -- Cylinder valves with integrated pressure regulators -- Specification and type testing
Käsitlusala: ISO 22435:2007 applies to cylinder valves with integrated pressure regulators (VIPR) intended to be fitted to gas cylinders that convey compressed, liquefied or dissolved gases.
Asendatud: ISO 22435:2024
ISO 22435:2007/Amd 1:2012
ISO 22435:2007 - Amendment
Asendatud: ISO 22435:2024
EN 60879:2019/prA1:2024
Amendment 1 - Comfort fans and regulators for household and similar purposes - Methods for measuring performance
Käsitlusala: Amendment to EN 60879:2019
Alusdokumendid: 59L/257/CDV; EN 60879:2019/prA1:2024
prEN ISO 21028-1
Cryogenic vessels - Toughness requirements for materials at cryogenic temperature - Part 1: Temperatures below -80 degrees C (ISO/DIS 21028‑1:2024)
Käsitlusala: ISO 21028-1:2016 specifies the toughness requirements of metallic materials for use at a temperature below -80 °C to ensure their suitability for cryogenic vessels.
ISO 21028-1:2016 is not applicable to unalloyed steels and cast materials.
Alusdokumendid: ISO/DIS 21028-1; prEN ISO 21028-1
prEN 16904
Plastics piping systems inside the building structure - Environmental product declarations - Product category rules complementary to EN 15804
Käsitlusala: This document provides product category rules (PCR) for Type III environmental product declarations, as described in EN ISO 14025 and EN 15942, for plastics piping systems inside the building structures and their main structural components, as specified by the list of product standards provided in Annex CC.
This document encompasses:
-  both pressure and non-pressure applications;
-  metal fittings which are used in a plastic piping system.
The intended function of the system considered is to convey liquids according to EN 806 (for potable water supply), EN 1264 (for heating and cooling systems), EN 12828 (for radiators), EN 12056 (for soil and waste discharge and for water traps).
In case there is no application standard available, this document can also be used for other plastics piping systems such as for example for rainwater gutters, ventilation systems or electrical conduits.
This document specifies product category rules of construction products as defined in and is intended to be used in conjunction with EN 15804+A2.
In addition to EN 15804+A2, this document specifies:
-  the functional unit (consisting of pipes, fittings and ancillary components) and declared unit (consisting of pipes and/or fittings);
-  the system boundaries and additional mandatory modules to be declared;
-  the processes to be included in the installation phase;
-  scenarios for module A4, A5;
-  use conditions for the use phase (B modules);
-  reference service life (RSL);
-  end of life scenarios.
Alusdokumendid: prEN 16904
prEN 16903
Plastic piping systems buried outside the building structure - Environmental product declarations - Product Category rules complementary to EN 15804
Käsitlusala: This document provides product category rules (PCR) for Type III environmental product declarations, as described in EN ISO 14025 and EN 15942, for plastic piping systems buried outside building structure and their main structural components, as specified by the list of product standards provided in Annex CC.
Main structural components are:
-  pipes;
-  fittings (e.g. flange couplers, bends and reducers, valves and electrofusion fittings);
-  manholes and inspection chambers (where applicable, e.g. for drains and sewers).
This document encompasses both pressure and non-pressure applications.
The intended function of the system considered is to convey fluids according to EN 476 (for sewers, drain and surface water); EN 805 (water supply), or EN 12007 (gas supply).
In case there is no application standard available, this document can also be used for other plastics piping systems such as cable conduits and surface water piping systems. This document specifies the rules for the product category of construction products as defined in and is intended to be used in conjunction with EN 15804+A2.
In addition to EN 15804+A2, this document specifies:
-  the functional unit (consisting of pipes, fittings, manholes and inspection chambers and ancillary components) and declared unit (consisting of pipes and/or fittings and/or manholes and /or inspection chambers);
-  the system boundaries and additional mandatory modules to be declared;
-  the processes to be included in the installation phase;
-  scenarios for module A4, A5;
-  use conditions for the use phase (B modules);
-  reference service life (RSL);
-  end of life scenarios.
Alusdokumendid: prEN 16903
EN ISO 5801:2017/prA1
Fans - Performance testing using standardized airways - Amendment 1 (ISO 5801:2017/DAM 1:2024)
Käsitlusala: Amendment to EN ISO 5801:2017
Alusdokumendid: ISO 5801:2017/DAmd 1; EN ISO 5801:2017/prA1