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ISO/IEEE 11073-10421:2024
Health informatics — Device interoperability — Part 10421: Personal health device communication — Device specialization — Peak expiratory flow monitor (peak flow)
Käsitlusala: This document establishes a normative definition of communication between personal telehealth peak flow monitoring devices (agents) and managers (e.g., cell phones, personal computers, personal health appliances, and set top boxes) in a manner that enables plug-and-play interoperability. It leverages work done in other ISO/IEEE 11073 standards including existing terminology, information profiles, application profile standards. It specifies the use of specific term codes, formats, and behaviors in telehealth environments restricting optionality in base frameworks in favor of interoperability.
This document defines a common core of functionality of a peak-flow monitoring device. The use case is restricted to personal respiratory monitoring and therefore does not include hospital-based spirometry. Continuous and high-acuity monitoring (e.g., for emergency response) are outside the scope of the use case. In the context of personal health devices, a peak flow meter is a device is used to measure the respiratory function of those managing respiratory conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The ability to identify declining respiratory status prior to the need for acute intervention improves the quality of life for the individual while reducing the overall costs of care. Respiratory status data are collected by a personal respiratory monitoring device and forwarded to a central data repository for review and action by a health care provider. The data are episodic in nature and are forwarded at designated intervals or when the person is symptomatic.
CEN/TS 18053-2:2024
Digital Chain of Custody for CBRNE Evidence — Part 2: Data Management and Audit
Käsitlusala: This document provides guidelines for managing and auditing Digital Custody Metadata (DCM), enabling stakeholders to identify and audit custody ownership for CBRNE evidence in the dCoC. It proposes a metadata structure to manage resources assigned to CBRNE evidence and comply with good data governance practices, raising awareness at each custody transfer point.
In addition to considering using the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) to specify metadata management processes, therelevance of standard procedures to overcome DCM-related challenges is also addressed. In this domain, the focus is on the metadata structures required to manage digital asset custodians while outlining some of the activities that should be considered when specifying a DCM governance workflow.
This document is the second part of a series of technical specifications for the provision of DCM services for managing data related to the preservation of CBRNE evidence. Please see the first part of this series for a complete understanding of the concepts and stakeholders’ role within the custody transfer lifecycle.
Alusdokumendid: CEN/TS 18053-2:2024
CEN/TR 18077:2024
Building information modelling - Digital twins applied to the built environment - Use cases
Käsitlusala: This document collates case studies of digital twins applied to the built environment, including infrastructures, in Europe. These case studies have been obtained from CEN experts and related EU research projects.
This document identifies common characteristics to support further standardization work.
Alusdokumendid: CEN/TR 18077:2024
ISO/IEC 30141:2024
Internet of Things (IoT) — Reference architecture
Käsitlusala: This document provides a standardized IoT Reference Architecture using a common vocabulary, reusable designs and industry best practices. It uses a top down approach, beginning with collecting the most important characteristics of IoT, abstracting those into a generic IoT Conceptual Model, deriving a high level system based reference with subsequent dissection of that model into five architecture views from different perspectives. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2018. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
<UL><li>conformance with ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2022;
<li>improved usability;
<li>implementation pattern support.</UL>
ISO 17438-3:2024
Intelligent transport systems — Indoor navigation for personal and vehicle ITS stations — Part 3: Requirements and specification for indoor positioning reference data
Käsitlusala: This document defines requirements and specifications for indoor positioning references, which can be referenced for positioning in indoor space, for supporting indoor navigation functionality of a personal/vehicle (P/V) ITS station.
This document defines:
a)    the composition of indoor positioning references for use in obtaining indoor positions for indoor navigation of P/V-ITS-stations;
b)    the schema and encoding format of indoor positioning references for P/V-ITS-stations.
This document focuses on indoor positioning references. The following issues which are adjunctive but essential for commercial navigation services are beyond the scope of this document:
—    authorized and authenticated access of users and services, including security;
—    payment;
—    preparation of indoor data which are necessary for indoor navigation;
—    low-level communication protocols required to transfer and share data from and to a roadside ITS station or a central ITS station;
—    other issues dependent on implementation of an instance of indoor navigation.
CEN/TS 18053-1:2024
Digital Chain of Custody for CBRNE Evidence — Part 1: Overview and Concepts
Käsitlusala: This document provides guidance for technical and non-technical personnel within the organisation, including those responsible for compliance with statuary and regulatory requirements and industry standards. It provides an overview to the concepts related to the custody transfer lifecycle within the dCoC, framing how such personnel can identify and audit the custody ownership of CBRNE evidence; set policies and follow good practices for metadata governance, and conduct digital operations to ensure the integrity of the data at each custody transfer point. In addition to the metadata required to perform audits, the document also aims to provide:
- Unambiguous definitions of the concepts related to the digital log for each custody transfer (i.e., who owns the custody at each transfer point).
- Guidelines for a dCoC data governance process to ensure the integrity of the DCM and situational-awareness at each transfer point within the dCoC.
- Suggestions regarding metadata management policies and compliance with good practices for non-repudiation digital log, ensuring a standard data structure for data management and auditing
This document is the first part of a series of Technical Specifications on the provision of DCM services for the management of datarelated to the custody of CBRNE evidence. It will be complemented by other specific parts, which give more detailed guidelines for related services, such as the specification of BPMN processes for data governance within the dCoC.
Alusdokumendid: CEN/TS 18053-1:2024
ISO/IEC TS 19568:2024
Programming Languages — C++ Extensions for Library Fundamentals
Käsitlusala: This document describes extensions to the C++ Standard Library (2). These extensions are classes and functions that are likely to be used widely within a program and/or on the interface boundaries between libraries written by different organizations.
It is intended that some of the library components be considered for standardization in a future version of C++. At present, they are not part of any C++ standard.
The goal of this document is to build more widespread existing practice for an expanded C++ standard library. It gives advice on extensions to those vendors who wish to provide them.
EVS-EN ISO 9241-5:2024
Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Part 5: Workstation layout and postural requirements (ISO 9241-5:2024)
Käsitlusala: This part of ISO 9241 specifies ergonomic guiding principles which apply to the user requirements, design, and procurement of workstation equipment for using interactive systems with visual displays.
In particular, the general principles and requirements specified in this part of ISO 9241 apply to the standards specifying technical design of furniture and equipment constituting the workplace. They are intended for use by product and workstation designers and implementers.
Alusdokumendid: EN ISO 9241-5:2024; ISO 9241-5:2024
EVS-EN ISO 19164:2024
Geographic information - Indoor feature model (ISO 19164:2024)
Käsitlusala: This document specifies a core semantic classification system of essential indoor features to describe indoor environments required commonly in various location-based indoor applications of buildings. The scope includes the following:
—     semantic description of indoor features and their attributes;
—     feature association between indoor features.
The semantic classification system in this document is compatible with the building model defined in existing related standards. Geometric and topological descriptions of indoor features are not considered in this document. This document does not apply to other architectural structures, such as tunnels.
Alusdokumendid: ISO 19164:2024; EN ISO 19164:2024
ISO 17438-2:2024
Intelligent transport systems — Indoor navigation for personal and vehicle ITS stations — Part 2: Requirements and specification for indoor maps
Käsitlusala: This document defines requirements and specifications of indoor positioning references, which can be referenced for positioning in indoor space, for supporting indoor navigation functionality of a personal/vehicle (P/V) ITS station.
NOTE          Specific structure and contents of indoor positioning references depend on types of indoor positioning technologies.
This document defines:
a)    the composition of an indoor map for indoor navigation of P/V ITS stations;
b)    the schema and encoding format of the indoor map for indoor navigation at the P/V ITS stations.
This document focuses on the specification and format of the indoor map. The following issues which are adjunctive but essential for commercial navigation services are beyond the scope of this document:
—    authorized and authenticated access of users and services, including security;
—    payment;
—    preparation of indoor data which are necessary for indoor navigation;
—    low-level communication protocols required to transfer and share data from and to a roadside ITS station or a central ITS station;
—    other issues dependent on implementation of an instance of indoor navigation.
IEC 62514:2024
Multimedia gateway in home networks - Guidelines
Käsitlusala: IEC 62514:2024 is available as IEC 62514:2024 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 62514:2024 describes the general guidelines for typical applications of the home multimedia gateway in home networks supporting IP networking. This document specifies recommended functions and services to be supported by the home multimedia gateway and, where appropriate, refers to existing standards supported in the market. For general requirements, it is expected that widely adopted standards and technologies will be considered by implementers. This document gives supplementary applications to the IEC 62481 series, which specifies a central management model in home networks supporting various interfaces on the LAN side and on the WAN side (optional). This document is applicable to home multimedia gateways in the home network or networks of similar environments. IEC 62514:2024 cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2010. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) addition of new multimedia processing functions and requirements the HMG shall support, including adaptive multimedia processing, audio/video remote processing, and play function enhancement, in Clause 6;
b) addition of home automation functions and requirements of audio/video analysis, recognition and alarm services based on AI technologies in Clause 7;
c) addition of upgrade function and requirements of HMG in Clause 12.
Asendab: IEC 62514:2010
Asendatud standardid
EVS-EN ISO 9241-5:2004
Ergonoomianõuded bürootööle kuvaterminalidega. Osa 5: Nõuded töökohale
Käsitlusala: This part of ISO 9241 specifies ergonomic guiding principles wcich apply to the user requirements, design, and procurement of workstation equipment for office tasks using VDTs.
Alusdokumendid: ISO 9241-5:1998; EN ISO 9241-5:1999
ISO/IEEE 11073-10421:2012
Health informatics -- Personal health device communication -- Part 10421: Device specialization -- Peak expiratory flow monitor (peak flow)
Käsitlusala: Within the context of the ISO/IEEE 11073 family of standards for device communication, a normative definition of communication is established in ISO/IEEE 11073-10421:2012 between personal telehealth peak expiratory flow monitor devices and compute engines (e.g. cell phones, personal computers, personal health appliances, and set top boxes) in a manner that enables plug-and-play interoperability. Appropriate portions of existing standards are leveraged, including ISO/IEEE 11073 terminology, information models, application profile standards, and transport standards. The use of specific term codes, formats, and behaviors is specified in telehealth environments restricting optionality in base frameworks in favor of interoperability. A common core of communication functionality is defined for personal telehealth peak expiratory flow monitor devices.
ISO/IEC 30141:2018
Internet of Things (loT) -- Reference Architecture
Asendatud: ISO/IEC 30141:2024
ISO/IEC 30141:2018/Cor 1:2018
Internet of Things (loT) — Reference Architecture — Technical Corrigendum 1
Käsitlusala: Corrigendum to ISO/IEC 30141:2018
Asendatud: ISO/IEC 30141:2024
ISO/IEC TS 19568:2017
Programming Languages -- C++ Extensions for Library Fundamentals
Käsitlusala: ISO/IEC TS 19568:2017 describes extensions to the C++ Standard Library (1.2). These extensions are classes and functions that are likely to be used widely within a program and/or on the interface boundaries between libraries written by different organizations.
ISO/IEC TS 19568:2017 is non-normative. Some of the library components in this technical specification may be considered for standardization in a future version of C++, but they are not currently part of any C++ standard. Some of the components in this technical specification may never be standardized, and others may be standardized in a substantially changed form.
The goal of this technical specification is to build more widespread existing practice for an expanded C++ standard library. It gives advice on extensions to those vendors who wish to provide them.
IEC 62514:2010
Multimedia gateway in home networks - Guidelines
Käsitlusala: IEC 62514:2010(E) describes the general guidelines for typical applications of the home multimedia gateway in home networks supporting IP networking. It specifies recommended functions and services to be supported by the home multimedia gateway and, where appropriate, refers to existing standards supported in the market. For general requirements, it is expected that widely adopted standards and technologies will be considered by implementers. It gives supplementary application to IEC 62481, which specifies a central management model in home network supporting various interfaces in LAN side and WAN side (optional).

Asendatud: IEC 62514:2024
prEN ISO 18750
Intelligent transport systems - Local dynamic map (ISO/DIS 18750:2024)
Käsitlusala: This document:
—    describes the functionality of a "Local Dynamic Map" (LDM) in the context of the "Bounded Secured Managed Domain" (BSMD);
—    specifies:
—    general characteristics of LDM Data Objects (LDM-DOs) that may be stored in an LDM, i.e. information on real objects such as vehicles, road works sections, slow traffic sections, special weather condition sections, etc. which are as a minimum requirement location-referenced and time-referenced;
—    service access point functions providing interfaces in an ITS station (ITS-S) to access an LDM for:
—    secure add, update and delete access for ITS-S application processes;
—    secure read access (query) for ITS-S application processes;
—    secure notifications (upon subscription) to ITS-S application processes;
—    management access:
—    secure registration, de-registration and revocation of ITS-S application processes at LDM;
—    secure subscription and cancellation of subscriptions of ITS-S application processes;
—    procedures in an LDM considering:
—    means to maintain the content and integrity of the data store;
—    mechanisms supporting several LDMs in a single ITS station unit.
Alusdokumendid: ISO/DIS 18750; prEN ISO 18750
prEN ISO 17423
Intelligent transport systems - Application requirements and objectives (ISO/DIS 17423:2024)
Käsitlusala: This document
— specifies communication service parameters presented by ITS station (ITS-S) application processes to the ITS-S management in support of automatic selection of ITS-S communication profiles in an ITS station unit (ITS-SU),
— specifies related procedures for the static and dynamic ITS-S communication profile selection processes at a high functional level,
— provides an illustration of objectives used to estimate an optimum ITS-S communication profile.
Alusdokumendid: ISO/DIS 17423; prEN ISO 17423
prEN ISO 17419
Intelligent transport systems - Globally unique identification (ISO/DIS 17419:2024)
Käsitlusala: This document
—          describes and specifies globally unique addresses and identifiers (ITS-S object identifiers) which are both internal and external to ITS stations and are used for ITS station management,
—          describes how ITS-S object identifiers and related technical parameters are used for classification, registration and management of ITS applications and ITS application classes,
—          describes how ITS-S object identifiers are used in the ITS communication protocol stack,
—          introduces an organizational framework for registration and management of ITS-S objects,
—          defines and specifies management procedures at a high functional level,
—          is based on the architecture of an ITS station specified in ISO 21217:2014 as a Bounded Secured Managed Domain (BSMD),
—          specifies an ASN.1 module for the identifiers, addresses, and registry records identified in this document, and
—          specifies an ASN.1 module for a C-ITS Data Dictionary containing ASN.1 type definitions of general interest.
Alusdokumendid: ISO/DIS 17419; prEN ISO 17419