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EVS-EN 301 444 V2.2.1:2021

Satelliitside maajaamad ja süsteemid (SES); Sagedusalades 1,5 GHz ja 1,6 GHz kõne- ja/või andmeedastust võimaldavate liikuva maaside maajaamad (LMES) ja liikuva mereside maajaamad (MMES); Raadiospektrile juurdepääsu harmoneeritud standard


Kehtiv alates 03.05.2021
ETSI EN 301 444 V2.2.1
Tegevusala (ICS grupid)
Direktiivid või määrused
2014/53/EU Raadioseadmed
ETSI standardeid meie e-poest osta ei saa. Neid on võimalik tasuta alla laadida siit.
See standard on harmoneeritud standard direktiivi 2014/53/EL (Raadioseadmed) mõistes, arvestades järgmist märkust: Selle harmoneeritud standardi järgimine ei anna alust eeldada vastavust direktiivi 2014/53/EL artikli 3 lõikes 2 sätestatud olulisele nõudele, kui kohaldatakse üht alljärgnevatest sätetest: a) selle standardi punkti 5.2.1 teist lõiku; b) selle standardi punkti; c) selle standardi punkti 5.2.3 esimest lõiku; d) selle standardi punkti 5.2.4 esimest lõiku; e) selle standardi punkti 5.2.5 esimest lõiku.

Standardi ajalugu

The present document applies to Land Mobile Earth Stations (LMESs) and Maritime Mobile Earth Stations (MMESs) radio equipment with an EIRP of greater than or equal to 15 dBW and less than or equal to 33 dBW and which have the following characteristics:
• the LMES could be either vehicle mounted or portable equipment;
• these MMESs are installable equipment on ships;
• these LMESs and MMESs are controlled and monitored by a Network Control Facility (NCF). The NCF is outside the scope of the present document;
• the LMES and MMES operate through geostationary satellites as part of a network providing voice and/or data communications;
• these LMESs and MMESs operate with user bit-rates greater than 9,6 kbits/s;
• the LMES and MMESs are capable of operating in any combination of all or any part of the frequency ranges sub-band 1 and sub-band 2 defined in table 1a.

Table 1a: Land and Maritime Mobile Satellite Service frequency bands
Sub-Band; Direction of transmission; LMSS frequency bands
1; Transmit 1 (Earth to space); 1 626,5 MHz to 1 660,5 MHz
1; Receive 1 (space to Earth); 1 525,0 MHz to 1 559,0 MHz
2; Transmit 2 (Earth to space); 1 668,0 MHz to 1 675,0 MHz
2; Receive 2 (space to Earth); 1 518,0 MHz to 1 525,0 MHz

The present document is intended to cover the provisions of Directive 2014/53/EU (RE Directive) article 3.2 which states that "….radio equipment shall be so constructed that it both effectively uses and supports the efficient use of radio spectrum in order to avoid harmful interference".
NOTE: The relationship between the present document and essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU is given in annex A.

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Standardi monitooring