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EVS-EN 303 364-3 V1.1.1:2019

Seire primaarradar (PSR); Raadiospektri juurdepääsu harmoneeritud standard; Osa 3. Lennujuhtimise (ATC) PSR sensorid, mis töötavad sagedusvahemikus 8 500 MHz kuni 10 000 MHz (sagedusriba X)


Kehtiv alates 01.08.2019
ETSI EN 303 364-3 V1.1.1
Tegevusala (ICS grupid)
Direktiivid või määrused
2014/53/EU Raadioseadmed
ETSI standardeid meie e-poest osta ei saa. Neid on võimalik tasuta alla laadida siit.
See standard on harmoneeritud standard Direktiivi 2014/53/EL (Raadioseadmed) mõistes, arvestades järgmist märkust: viidates selle harmoneeritud standardi punktile, ei anna selle harmoneeritud standardi järgimine alust eeldada vastavust direktiivi 2014/53/EL artikli 3 lõikes 2 sätestatud olulisele nõudele seadmete puhul, milles ei ole kombineeritud WR112/R84 ahenevat osa ega WR90/R100 lainejuhti, nagu on osutatud selle harmoneeritud standardi 1. jaotise märkuses 1. Lainejuhil peab olema pidev takistamatu edastustee (häirimata/puhas) ja see peab olema vähemalt 20 korda nii pikk kui lainejuhi piirlainepikkus selles töörežiimis.

Standardi ajalugu

The present document specifies technical characteristics and methods of measurements for monostatic X-band radar sensors intended for the surveillance of airspace traffic with the following characteristics:
• Operating in the frequency range 8 500 MHz to 10 000 MHz utilizing modulated pulses.
• The transceiver-antenna connection is using a hollow metallic rectangular waveguide.
• The antenna is rotating, waveguide-based and passive.
• At the transceiver output an RF-circulator is used.
NOTE 1: Since transceiver and antenna are hollow metallic rectangular waveguide based the frequency range for measurements that needs to be addressed covers 6,56 GHz to 26 GHz. The lower limit of this frequency range is obtained as cut-off frequency of the combination of WR112/R84 taper section and a WR90/R100 Waveguide IEC 60153-2. The upper limit corresponds to the upper limit stated in Table 1 of ERC Recommendation 74-01.
NOTE 2: Since at the transceiver output an RF circulator is used, it is assumed that the transceiver characteristics remain independent from the antenna.
NOTE 3: Multi-static radars are not covered by the present document.
NOTE 4: The relationship between the present document and essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU is given in annex A.

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Standardi monitooring