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CEN/TS 18099:2024

Biometric data injection attack detection

General information

Valid from 16.12.2024
Base Documents
CEN/TS 18099:2024
Directives or regulations

Standard history

This document provides an overview on:
-  Definitions on Biometric Data Injection Attack,
-  Biometric Data Injection Attack use case on main biometric system hardware for enrolment and verification,
-  Injection Attack Instruments on systems using one or several biometric modalities.
This document provides guidance on:
-  System for the detection of Injection Attack Instruments (defined in 3.12),
-  Appropriate mitigation risk of Injection Attack Instruments,
-  Creation of test plan for the evaluation of Injection Attack Detection system (defined in 3.9).
If presentation attacks testing is out of scope of this document, note that these two characteristics are in the scope of this document:
-  Presentation Attack Detection systems which can be used as injection attack instrument defence mechanism and/or injection attack method defence mechanism. Yet, no presentation attack testing will be performed by the laboratory to be compliant with this document (out of scope).
-  Bona Fide Presentation testing in order to test the ability of the Target Of Evaluation to correctly classify legitimate users.
The following aspects are out of scope:
-  Presentation Attack testing (as they are covered in ISO/IEC 30107 standards),
-  Biometric attacks which are not classified as Type 2 attacks (see Figure 1),
-  Evaluation of implementation of cryptographic mechanisms like secure elements,
-  Injection Attack Instruments rejected due to quality issues.

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