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CLC IEC/TS 61851-3-6:2023

Electric vehicles conductive charging system - Part 3-6: DC EV supply equipment where protection relies on double or reinforced insulation - Voltage converter unit communication


Kehtiv alates 29.12.2023
CLC IEC/TS 61851-3-6:2023; IEC/TS 61851-3-6:2023
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This part of IEC 61851-3 series as a technical specification together with part 3-1 and with part 1 of IEC61851, applies to communication for the conductive transfer of electric power between the supply network and a light electric road vehicle to a removable RESS or traction-battery of a light EV when connected to the supply network, with a rated supply voltage up to 480 V a.c. or up to 400 V d.c. and a rated ìoutputî voltage up to 480 V a.c. or up to 200 V d.c.. Energy management system for control of power transfer between battery systems and voltage converter units specifies the communication for all devices that may take part in energy management control. Such energy control applications may be implemented in e.g. light electric vehicles, robots, offshore parks, isolated farms, etc. This part of IEC 61851-3 series provides application objects provided by the AC-DC voltage converter unit or DC/DC voltage converter unit

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