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CWA 16762:2014

CEN Workshop Agreement - CEN/WS SERES - ICT Standards in Support of an eReporting Framework for the Engineering Materials Sector


Kehtetu alates 15.05.2020
CWA 16762:2014
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Standardi ajalugu

The scope of the work reported in this document is the representation and reporting of engineering materials data.
The scope of the work on the representation of engineering materials data is the description of an engineering material presented in natural language and technical formats.
The scope of the description is specific to that of an engineering material that is in a basic shape and condition made by a materials supplier and intended as an input to manufacturing processes.
The natural language is English, chosen because it provides the most widely understood means to convey a concept.  The concept of what is an engineering material itself provides the basis for translation, both into other natural languages as well as into technical formats, meaning existing technologies and future technologies.
The technical formats are (1) platform independent models and (2) platform specific implementations.  The platform independent model is a representation of the concept of an engineering material in a format that allows the concept to be reproduced in different platform specific formats, meaning specific technical implementations.  
The technical implementations taken into consideration include XSD, RDF, and ISO 10303-235.
The scope of the work on the reporting of engineering materials data is a series of case studies to establish the economic viability of a transition to exchange of engineering materials data.

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46,36 € koos KM-ga
Sirvi standardit alates 2,44 € koos KM-ga
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