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EVS-EN 9300-120:2023

Aerospace series - LOTAR - LOng Term Archiving and Retrieval of digital technical product documentation such as 3D CAD and PDM data - Part 120: CAD 3D explicit geometry with graphic product and manufacturing information


Kehtiv alates 15.11.2023
EN 9300-120:2023
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1.1 Introduction
This document defines the requirements for the long term digital preservation of the presentation of Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) with their possible links to the 3D explicit shape and geometry of single CAD parts. The goal is to preserve this 3D information with respect to the geometry and related PMI produced by the original CAD system, following the principles laid down in EN 9300 003 “Fundamentals and Concepts”.
The requirements of EN 9300 110 “CAD mechanical 3D explicit geometry information” about the preservation of the 3D explicit shape shall apply within this document.
The meaning of terms "Presentation" and "Representation", defined in the EN 9300 100 “Common concepts for Long term archiving and retrieval of CAD 3D mechanical information” is required to understand this EN 9300 document.
1.2 In scope
The following outlines the total scope of this document:
- the Presentation of 3D geometrical dimension and tolerance, and 3D annotation attributes;
- their possible semantic links with 3D Geometric shape;
- User Defined Attributes: that are assigned to 3D geometric entities or at the part level.
For the purpose of this document, the semantic definition is at the level that supports associative “Cross-highlighting”, to illustrate the portion of the geometry to which a PMI element applies.
In this version, the technology used to preserve this 3D information is based on polyline and tessellated presentation. Polyline presentation is a conversion to lines and curves of all 3D annotations by the STEP interfaces of the CAD system, including validation properties.  Tessellated presentation is a conversion to tessellated curves and tessellated faces. The main use cases are the Certification and Product Liability of static information, however, re-use is also possible after the deletion of previous PMI and creation of new PMI (refer to clause 3 for definition).
1.3 Out of scope
The following is outside the scope:
- machine-interpretable PMI “Representation”;
- how to preserve additional information:
- - property rights;
- -form features;
- -machining features;
- CAD Assemblies.

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