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EVS-EN IEC 61340-5-1:2024

Electrostatics - Part 5-1: Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena - General requirements

General information

Valid from 15.07.2024
Base Documents
IEC 61340-5-1:2024; EN IEC 61340-5-1:2024
Directives or regulations

Standard history

IEC 61340-5-1:2024 applies to organizations that: manufacture, process, assemble, install, package, label, service, test, inspect, transport, or otherwise handle electrical or electronic parts, assemblies and equipment with withstand voltages greater than or equal to 100 V human body model (HBM) and 200 V charge device model (CDM). Also, protection from isolated conductors is addressed by limiting the voltage on isolated conductors to less than 35 V. ESDS with lower withstand voltages can require additional control elements or adjusted limits. Processes designed to handle items that have lower ESD withstand voltage(s) can still claim compliance to this document. This document provides the requirements for an ESD control program. IEC TR 61340-5-2 provides guidance on the implementation of this document. This document does not apply to electrically initiated explosive devices, flammable liquids, gases, and powders. The purpose of this document is to provide the administrative and technical requirements for establishing, implementing, and maintaining an ESD control program (hereinafter referred to as the “program”). This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) definitions have been added to the document;
b) updates to product qualification requirements;
c) subclause 5.3.3 now includes a reference to groundable static control garment systems;
d) Table 2 was replaced;
e) subclause was updated to define what an insulator is;
f) subclause was updated to include a definition for isolated conductor;
g) Table 3 was updated, technical items added, including a reference to IEC 61340-5-4 for compliance verification testing;
h) Table 4 was added as a summary of the requirements in IEC 61340-5-3 and to include requirements for compliance verification of packaging;
i) Annex A was replaced: the former Annex is no longer required. Annex A are examples of tailoring.

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19.52 € incl tax
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