ISO 17283-1:2014 specifies a method for the determination of monochloroacetic acid (monochloroacetate) and dichloroacetic acid (dichloroacetate) in surfactants by HPLC method.
The method applies for anionic surfactants such as alkyl (phenyl) ethoxylated carboxylate (AEC) or amphoteric surfactants such as alkyl imidazoline carboxylate, alkyl dimethyl betaine, and fatty acetyl propyl dimethyl betaine.
The limit of detection (LOD) is ≤0,3 μg/ml for monochloroacetic acid and ≤0,2 μg/ml for dichloroacetic acid; the limit of quantification (LOQ) is ≤1,0 μg/ml for monochloroacetic acid and ≤0,75 μg/ml for dichloroacetic acid (using a standard solution).
The LOD, at 5 g of sample weight, is ≤6 mg/kg for monochloroacetic acid and ≤4 mg/kg for dichloroacetic acid; and the LOQ is ≤20 mg/kg for monochloroacetic acid and ≤15 mg/kg for dichloroacetic acid.
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