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ISO/TR 16982:2002

Ergonomics of human-system interaction -- Usability methods supporting human-centred design

General information

Valid from 13.06.2002
Directives or regulations

Standard history

ISO/TR 16982:2002 provides information on human-centred usability methods which can be used for design and evaluation. It details the advantages, disadvantages and other factors relevant to using each usability method.
It explains the implications of the stage of the life cycle and the individual project characteristics for the selection of usability methods and provides examples of usability methods in context.
The main users of ISO/TR 16982:2002 will be project managers. It therefore addresses technical human factors and ergonomics issues only to the extent necessary to allow managers to understand their relevance and importance in the design process as a whole.
Such issues are dealt with more fully in ISO 9241 which is complementary to ISO/TR 16982:2002 and is aimed at system developers, specifiers and purchasers of systems. Nonetheless, all parties involved in human-centred system development, including the end users of systems, should find the guidance in ISO/TR 16982:2002 relevant.
The guidance in ISO/TR 16982:2002 can be tailored for specific design situations by using the lists of issues characterizing the context of use of the product to be delivered. Selection of appropriate usability methods should also take account of the relevant life-cycle process.
ISO/TR 16982:2002 is restricted to methods that are widely used by usability specialists and project managers.
It does not specify the details of how to implement or carry out the usability methods described.
NOTE Most methods require the involvement of human-factors specialists. It may be inappropriate for them to be used by individuals without adequate skills and knowledge.

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230.43 € incl tax
230.43 € incl tax
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