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EVS-EN 13611:2019

Gaasi- ja/või vedelkütuste põletite ja tarvitite ohutus- ja juhtseadmed. Üldnõuded


Kehtiv alates 15.04.2019
EN 13611:2019; EN 13611:2019/AC:2021
Tegevusala (ICS grupid)
23.060.40 Rõhuregulaatorid
Direktiivid või määrused

Standardi ajalugu

EN 13611:2019/prA1
This European Standard specifies the general safety, design, construction, and performance requirements and testing of safety, control or regulating devices (hereafter referred to as controls) for burners and appliances burning one or more gaseous fuels or liquid fuels. This European Standard is applicable to controls with declared maximum inlet pressure up to and including 500 kPa and of nominal connection sizes up to and including DN 250.
This European standard specifies general product requirements for the following controls:
— automatic shut-off valves;
— automatic burner control systems;
— flame supervision devices;
— gas/air ratio controls;
— pressure regulators;
— manual taps;
— mechanical thermostats;
— multifunctional controls;
— pressure sensing devices;
— valve proving systems;
— automatic vent valves.
This European standard applies for control functions that are not covered by a specific control standard for burners and appliances burning one or more gaseous fuels or liquid fuels.
This European Standard applies also for safety accessories and pressure accessories with a product of the maximum allowable pressure PS and the volume V of less than 600 000 kPa · dm3 (6 000 bar · L) or with a product of PS and DN of less than 300 000 kPa (3 000 bar).
This European Standard applies for AC and DC supplied controls (for controls supplied by stand-alone battery system, battery systems for mobile applications or systems which are intended to be connected to DC supply networks controls see Annex I).
This European Standard is applicable to reset functions used for reset from lockout, e.g. due to ignition failure or temperature cut-out in burners and appliances (see Annex M).
This European Standard establishes methodologies for the determination of a Safety Integrity Level (SIL) and the determination of a Performance Level (PL) (see Annex J, Annex K and Annex L).
This European Standard gives guidelines for environmental aspects (see Annex N).
This European Standard does not apply to mechanical controls for use with liquid fuels.
The protection against environmental impact in open air (i.e. capable of withstanding UV radiation, wind, rain, snow, dirt deposits, condensation, ice and hoar frost (see IEV 441-11-05:2005), earthquake and external fire) is not covered by this standard.
This European Standard should be used in conjunction with the specific control standard (see Bibliography).

Nõutud väljad on tähistatud *

46,36 € koos KM-ga
Sirvi standardit alates 2,44 € koos KM-ga
Standardi monitooring

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