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EVS-EN ISO 5367:2023

Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment - Breathing sets and connectors (ISO 5367:2023)


Kehtiv alates 15.08.2023
ISO 5367:2023; EN ISO 5367:2023
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ISO 5367 contains requirements for breathing sets, breathing tubes and connectors that are intended to function as accessories to anaesthetic and respiratory equipment. Breathing sets and breathing tubes are characterized by certain design requirements such as a means of connection and leakage limits. Disclosure requirements for conformance and flow resistance values allow the user to make an informed choice when connecting these accessories to a breathing system. These design requirements are intended to allow operation within the limits of performance of the anaesthetic breathing systems and ventilator breathing systems with which the accessories are intended to operate.

ISO 5367 includes requirements for both single-use and reusable breathing sets and breathing tubes. Reusable breathing sets and breathing tubes are intended to conform to the requirements of this document for the recommended service life. It is also applicable to breathing sets which include special components (e.g. water traps) between the patient end and machine end. Provision is made for coaxial and related bifurcated, double-lumen, or multiple-lumen breathing sets and breathing tubes suitable for use with patient end adaptors.

The text of ISO 5367:2023 has been approved in Europe as EN ISO 5367:2023 without any changes.

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