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IEC 60364-7-713:2013

Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-713: Requirements for special installations or locations - Furniture


Kehtiv alates 06.02.2013
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IEC 60364-7-713:2013 applies to the wiring system of furniture (and similar fitments) which is connected to the electrical installation. Examples are beds, cupboards, desks and shop display cases, in which electrical equipment such as luminaires, installation couplers according to IEC 61535, socket-outlets, switching devices and wiring systems are installed. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 1996, and constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes changes to the scope: the requirements of Part 7-713 now apply to electrical equipment of furniture connected to a supply with a nominal voltage UO not exceeding 230 V and a total load current not exceeding 32 A, including three-phase 32 A supplies. This new edition makes reference to Part 4-41 additional protection and requires that the fixed circuit is protected by an RCD with a rated residual operating current not exceeding 30 mA.

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52,45 € koos KM-ga
52,45 € koos KM-ga
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